Refund Policy

Refund Policy

To initiate a refund for verified courses, kindly reach out to us through the contact information provided on the “Contact Us” page to cancel your course registration and request a refund within the eligible refund period – a maximum of 14 days from your purchase date or 14 days after the start of your course, whichever is later*.

Please note: Refunds are not available after you have obtained a certificate.

*(Up to a maximum of 90 days from your payment, due to payment system processing limits).

If you cancel your registration for a verified course AFTER the refund eligibility period has passed, you will cancel your registration but will not receive a refund.

When you cancel your registration within the refund eligibility period, the funds will be promptly returned to the payment account used for purchase. Once processed, the funds will be returned to your payment account within approximately 5 to 10 days. (Subject to processing and location).

Formal Education Students

Should you be a formal education student currently enrolled at your institution, direct cancellation of your registration through EduNesia is not feasible. Kindly reach out to the designated contact within your institution to facilitate the cancellation of formal education classes/programs.

Refund Submission Guidelines

  • Enrollment in the relevant course/program is a prerequisite.
  • Attach proof of purchase along with a screenshot of the Dashboard display.
  • Provide bank details for fund reimbursement.